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This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. You may want the Linkerd 2.16 (current) documentation instead.


The Linkerd CLI is the primary way to interact with Linkerd. It can install the control plane to your cluster, add the proxy to your service and provide detailed metrics for how your service is performing.

As reference, check out the commands below:

Command Description
check Check the Linkerd installation for potential problems
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
dashboard Open the Linkerd dashboard in a web browser
edges Display connections between resources, and Linkerd proxy identities
endpoints Introspect Linkerd’s service discovery state
get Display one or many mesh resources
inject Add the Linkerd proxy to a Kubernetes config
install Output Kubernetes configs to install Linkerd
install-cni Output Kubernetes configs to install Linkerd CNI
install-sp Output Kubernetes configs to install Linkerd Service Profiles
metrics Fetch metrics directly from Linkerd proxies
profile Output service profile config for Kubernetes
routes Display route stats
stat Display traffic stats about one or many resources
tap Listen to a traffic stream
top Display sorted information about live traffic
uninject Remove the Linkerd proxy from a Kubernetes config
upgrade Output Kubernetes configs to upgrade an existing Linkerd control plane
version Print the client and server version information

Global flags

The following flags are available for all linkerd CLI commands:

Flag Usage
--api-addr Override kubeconfig and communicate directly with the control plane at host:port (mostly for testing)
--context Name of the kubeconfig context to use
help for linkerd
--kubeconfig Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
Namespace in which Linkerd is installed [$LINKERD_NAMESPACE]
--verbose Turn on debug logging
--as Username to impersonate for Kubernetes operations