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This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. In Linkerd 2.16 (current), this document no longer exists.

Upgrading Multicluster in Linkerd 2.9

Linkerd 2.9 changes the way that some of the multicluster components work and are installed compared to Linkerd 2.8.x. Users installing the multicluster components for the first time with Linkerd 2.9 can ignore these instructions and instead refer directly to the installing multicluster.

Users who installed the multicluster component in Linkerd 2.8.x and wish to upgrade to Linkerd 2.9 should follow these instructions.


The main differences between multicluster in 2.8 and 2.9 is that in 2.9 we create a service mirror controller for each target cluster that a source cluster is linked to. The service mirror controller is created as part of the linkerd multicluster link command instead of the linkerd multicluster install command. There is also a new CRD type called Link which is used to configure the service mirror controller and allows you to be able to specify the label selector used to determine which services to mirror.

Ordering of Cluster Upgrades

Clusters may be upgraded in any order regardless of if each cluster is source cluster, target cluster, or both.

Target Clusters

A cluster which receives multicluster traffic but does not send multicluster traffic requires no special upgrade treatment. It can safely be upgraded by just upgrading the main Linkerd controller plane:

linkerd upgrade | kubectl apply -f -

Source Clusters

A cluster which sends multicluster traffic must be upgraded carefully to ensure that mirror services remain up during the upgrade so as to avoid downtime.

Control Plane

Begin by upgrading the Linkerd control plane and multicluster resources to version 2.9 by running

linkerd upgrade | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd --context=source multicluster install | kubectl --context=source apply -f -
linkerd --context=target multicluster install | kubectl --context=target apply -f -

Label Exported Services

Next must apply a label to each exported service in the target cluster. This label is how the 2.9 service mirror controller will know to mirror those services. The label can be anything you want, but by default we will use For each exported service in the target cluster, run:

kubectl --context=target label svc/<SERVICE NAME>

Any services not labeled in this way will no longer be mirrored after the upgrade is complete.

Next we re-establish the link. This will create a 2.9 version of the service mirror controller. Note that this is the same command that you used to establish the link while running Linkerd 2.8 but here we are running it with version 2.9 of the Linkerd CLI:

linkerd --context=target multicluster link --cluster-name=<CLUSTER NAME> \
    | kubectl --context=source apply -f -

If you used a label other than when labeling your exported services, you must specify that in the --selector flag:

linkerd --context=target multicluster link --cluster-name=<CLUSTER NAME> \
    --selector | kubectl --context=source apply -f -

There should now be two service mirror deployments running: one from version 2.8 called linkerd-service-mirror and one from version 2.9 called linkerd-service-mirror-<CLUSTER NAME>. All mirror services should remain active and healthy.


The 2.8 version of the service mirror controller can now be safely deleted:

kubectl --context=source -n linkerd-multicluster delete deploy/linkerd-service-mirror

Ensure that your cluster is still in a healthy state by running:

linkerd --context=source check --multicluster

Congratulations, your upgrade is complete!