Cluster Configuration
Private Clusters
If you are using a private GKE cluster, you are required to create a firewall rule that allows the GKE operated api-server to communicate with the Linkerd control plane. This makes it possible for features such as automatic proxy injection to receive requests directly from the api-server.
In this example, we will use gcloud to simplify the creation of the said firewall rule.
Set default zone for zonal clusters or the default region for regional clusters (see [types of clusters] (
gcloud config set compute/zone your-zone
gcloud config set compute/region your-region
Get the cluster MASTER_IPV4_CIDR
MASTER_IPV4_CIDR=$(gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
| grep "masterIpv4CidrBlock: " \
| awk '{print $2}')
Get the cluster NETWORK
NETWORK=$(gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
| grep "^network: " \
| awk '{print $2}')
Get the cluster auto-generated NETWORK_TARGET_TAG
NETWORK_TARGET_TAG=$(gcloud compute firewall-rules list \
--filter network=$NETWORK --format json \
| jq ".[] | select(.name | contains(\"$CLUSTER_NAME\"))" \
| jq -r '.targetTags[0]' | head -1)
The format of the network tag should be something like gke-cluster-name-xxxx-node
Verify the values:
# example output foo-network gke-foo-cluster-c1ecba83-node
Create the firewall rules for proxy-injector
and tap
gcloud compute firewall-rules create gke-to-linkerd-control-plane \
--network "$NETWORK" \
--allow "tcp:8443,tcp:8089" \
--source-ranges "$MASTER_IPV4_CIDR" \
--target-tags "$NETWORK_TARGET_TAG" \
--priority 1000 \
--description "Allow traffic on ports 8443, 8089 for linkerd control-plane components"
Finally, verify that the firewall is created:
gcloud compute firewall-rules describe gke-to-linkerd-control-plane