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This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. You may want the Linkerd 2.16 (current) documentation instead.


Output Kubernetes configs to install Linkerd.

This command provides all Kubernetes configs necessary to install the Linkerd control plane.

For further details on how to install Linkerd onto your own cluster, check out the install documentation.


# Install CRDs first.
linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -

# Install the core control plane.
linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

The installation can be configured by using the --set, --values, --set-string and --set-file flags.
A full list of configurable values can be found at


Flag Usage
--admin-port Proxy port to serve metrics on
--cluster-domain Set custom cluster domain
--control-plane-tracing Enables Control Plane Tracing with the defaults
--control-plane-tracing-namespace Send control plane traces to Linkerd-Jaeger extension in this namespace
--control-port Proxy port to use for control
--controller-log-level Log level for the controller and web components
--controller-replicas Replicas of the controller to deploy
--controller-uid Run the control plane components under this user ID
--crds Install Linkerd CRDs
--default-inbound-policy Inbound policy to use to control inbound access to the proxy
--disable-h2-upgrade Prevents the controller from instructing proxies to perform transparent HTTP/2 upgrading (default false)
--disable-heartbeat Disables the heartbeat cronjob (default false)
--enable-endpoint-slices Enables the usage of EndpointSlice informers and resources for destination service
--enable-external-profiles Enable service profiles for non-Kubernetes services
--ha Enable HA deployment config for the control plane (default false)
--identity-clock-skew-allowance The amount of time to allow for clock skew within a Linkerd cluster
--identity-external-ca Whether to use an external CA provider (default false)
--identity-external-issuer Whether to use an external identity issuer (default false)
--identity-issuance-lifetime The amount of time for which the Identity issuer should certify identity
--identity-issuer-certificate-file A path to a PEM-encoded file containing the Linkerd Identity issuer certificate (generated by default)
--identity-issuer-key-file A path to a PEM-encoded file containing the Linkerd Identity issuer private key (generated by default)
--identity-trust-anchors-file A path to a PEM-encoded file containing Linkerd Identity trust anchors (generated by default)
--identity-trust-domain Configures the name suffix used for identities.
--ignore-cluster Ignore the current Kubernetes cluster when checking for existing cluster configuration (default false)
--image-pull-policy Docker image pull policy
--inbound-port Proxy port to use for inbound traffic
--init-image Linkerd init container image name
--init-image-version Linkerd init container image version
--linkerd-cni-enabled Omit the NET_ADMIN capability in the PSP and the proxy-init container when injecting the proxy; requires the linkerd-cni plugin to already be installed
--outbound-port Proxy port to use for outbound traffic
--proxy-cpu Amount of CPU units that the proxy sidecar requests
--proxy-cpu-limit Maximum amount of CPU units that the proxy sidecar can use
--proxy-cpu-request Amount of CPU units that the proxy sidecar requests
--proxy-image Linkerd proxy container image name
--proxy-log-level Log level for the proxy
--proxy-memory Amount of Memory that the proxy sidecar requests
--proxy-memory-limit Maximum amount of Memory that the proxy sidecar can use
--proxy-memory-request Amount of Memory that the proxy sidecar requests
--proxy-uid Run the proxy under this user ID
Tag to be used for the Linkerd proxy images
--registry Docker registry to pull images from ($LINKERD_DOCKER_REGISTRY)
--set set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--set-file set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
--set-string set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--skip-inbound-ports Ports and/or port ranges (inclusive) that should skip the proxy and send directly to the application
--skip-outbound-ports Outbound ports and/or port ranges (inclusive) that should skip the proxy
specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple)