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HTTPRoute Spec

An HTTPRoute spec may contain the following top level fields:

field value
parentRefs A set of ParentReferences which indicate which [Server]s or Services this HTTPRoute attaches to.
hostnames A set of hostnames that should match against the HTTP Host header.
rules An array of HTTPRouteRules.


A reference to the parent resource this HTTPRoute is a part of.

HTTPRoutes can be attached to a Server to allow defining an authorization policy for specific routes served on that Server.

HTTPRoutes can also be attached to a Service, in order to route requests depending on path, headers, query params, and/or verb. Requests can then be rerouted to different backend services. This can be used to perform dynamic request routing.

field value
group The group of the referent. This must either be “” (for Server) or “core” (for Service).
kind The kind of the referent. This must be either “Server” or “Service”.
port The targeted port number, when attaching to Services.
namespace The namespace of the referent. When unspecified (or empty string), this refers to the local namespace of the Route.
name The name of the referent.


HTTPRouteRule defines semantics for matching an HTTP request based on conditions (matches) and processing it (filters).

field value
matches A list of httpRouteMatches. Each match is independent, i.e. this rule will be matched if any one of the matches is satisfied.
filters A list of httpRouteFilters which will be applied to each request which matches this rule.
backendRefs An array of HTTPBackendRefs to declare where the traffic should be routed to (only allowed with Service parentRefs).


HTTPRouteMatch defines the predicate used to match requests to a given action. Multiple match types are ANDed together, i.e. the match will evaluate to true only if all conditions are satisfied.

field value
path An httpPathMatch. If this field is not specified, a default prefix match on the “/” path is provided.
headers A list of httpHeaderMatches. Multiple match values are ANDed together.
queryParams A list of httpQueryParamMatches. Multiple match values are ANDed together.
method When specified, this route will be matched only if the request has the specified method.


HTTPPathMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching the HTTP request path.

field value
type How to match against the path Value. One of: Exact, PathPrefix, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “PathPrefix” is provided.
value The HTTP path to match against.


HTTPHeaderMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP request headers.

field value
type How to match against the value of the header. One of: Exact, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “Exact” is provided.
name The HTTP Header to be matched against. Name matching MUST be case insensitive.
value Value of HTTP Header to be matched.


HTTPQueryParamMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP query parameters.

field value
type How to match against the value of the query parameter. One of: Exact, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “Exact” is provided.
name The HTTP query param to be matched. This must be an exact string match.
value Value of HTTP query param to be matched.


HTTPRouteFilter defines processing steps that must be completed during the request or response lifecycle.

field value
type One of: RequestHeaderModifier, RequestRedirect.
requestHeaderModifier An httpRequestHeaderFilter.
requestRedirect An httpRequestRedirectFilter.


A filter which modifies request headers.

field value
set A list of httpHeaders to overwrites on the request.
add A list of httpHeaders to add on the request, appending to any existing value.
remove A list of header names to remove from the request.


HTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.

field value
name Name of the HTTP Header to be matched. Name matching MUST be case insensitive.
value Value of HTTP Header to be matched.


HTTPRequestRedirect defines a filter that redirects a request.

field value
scheme The scheme to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, the scheme of the request is used.
hostname The hostname to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, the hostname of the request is used.
path An httpPathModfier which modifies the path of the incoming request and uses the modified path in the Location header.
port The port to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, port (if specified) of the request is used.
statusCode The HTTP status code to be used in response.


HTTPPathModifier defines configuration for path modifiers.

field value
type One of: ReplaceFullPath, ReplacePrefixMatch.
replaceFullPath The value with which to replace the full path of a request during a rewrite or redirect.
replacePrefixMatch The value with which to replace the prefix match of a request during a rewrite or redirect.


HTTPBackendRef defines the list of objects where matching requests should be sent to. Only allowed when a route has Service parentRefs.

field value
name Name of service for this backend.
port Destination port number for this backend.
namespace Namespace of service for this backend.
weight Proportion of requests sent to this backend.

HTTPRoute Examples

An HTTPRoute attached to a Server resource which matches GETs to /authors.json or /authors/*:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: authors-get-route
  namespace: booksapp
    - name: authors-server
      kind: Server
    - matches:
      - path:
          value: "/authors.json"
        method: GET
      - path:
          value: "/authors/"
          type: "PathPrefix"
        method: GET

An HTTPRoute attached to a Service to perform header-based routing. If there’s a x-faces-user: testuser header in the request, the request is routed to the smiley2 backend Service. Otherwise, the request is routed to the smiley backend Service.

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: smiley-a-b
  namespace: faces
    - name: smiley
      kind: Service
      group: core
      port: 80
    - matches:
      - headers:
        - name: "x-faces-user"
          value: "testuser"
        - name: smiley2
          port: 80
    - backendRefs:
      - name: smiley
        port: 80