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This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. You may want the Linkerd 2.16 (current) documentation instead.

CNI Plugin

Linkerd’s data plane works by transparently routing all TCP traffic to and from every meshed pod to its proxy. (See the Architecture doc.) This allows Linkerd to act without the application being aware.

By default, this rewiring is done with an Init Container that uses iptables to install routing rules for the pod, at pod startup time. However, this requires the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability; and in some clusters, this capability is not granted to pods.

To handle this, Linkerd can optionally run these iptables rules in a CNI plugin rather than in an Init Container. This avoids the need for a CAP_NET_ADMIN capability.


Usage of the Linkerd CNI plugin requires that the linkerd-cni DaemonSet be successfully installed on your cluster first, before installing the Linkerd control plane.

Using the CLI

To install the linkerd-cni DaemonSet, run:

linkerd install-cni | kubectl apply -f -

Once the DaemonSet is up and running, meshed pods should no longer use the linkerd-init Init Container. To accomplish this, use the --linkerd-cni-enabled flag when installing the control plane:

linkerd install --linkerd-cni-enabled | kubectl apply -f -

Using this option will set a cniEnabled flag in the linkerd-config ConfigMap. Proxy injections will read this field and omit the linkerd-init Init Container.

Using Helm

First ensure that your Helm local cache is updated:

helm repo update
helm search repo linkerd2-cni

Install the CNI DaemonSet:

# install the CNI plugin first
helm install linkerd-cni -n linkerd-cni --create-namespace linkerd/linkerd2-cni

# ensure the plugin is installed and ready
linkerd check --pre --linkerd-cni-enabled

At that point you are ready to install Linkerd with CNI enabled. Follow the Installing Linkerd with Helm instructions.

Additional configuration

The linkerd install-cni command includes additional flags that you can use to customize the installation. See linkerd install-cni --help for more information. Note that many of the flags are similar to the flags that can be used to configure the proxy when running linkerd inject. If you change a default when running linkerd install-cni, you will want to ensure that you make a corresponding change when running linkerd inject.

The most important flags are:

  1. --dest-cni-net-dir: This is the directory on the node where the CNI Configuration resides. It defaults to: /etc/cni/net.d.
  2. --dest-cni-bin-dir: This is the directory on the node where the CNI Plugin binaries reside. It defaults to: /opt/cni/bin.
  3. --cni-log-level: Setting this to debug will allow more verbose logging. In order to view the CNI Plugin logs, you must be able to see the kubelet logs. One way to do this is to log onto the node and use journalctl -t kubelet. The string linkerd-cni: can be used as a search to find the plugin log output.

Allowing initContainer networking

When using the Linkerd CNI plugin the required iptables rules are in effect before the pod is scheduled. Also, the linkerd-proxy is not started until after all initContainers have completed. This means no initContainer will have network access because its packets will be caught by iptables and the linkerd-proxy will not yet be available.

It is possible to bypass these iptables rules by running the initContainer as the UID of the proxy (by default 2102). Processes run as this UID are skipped by iptables and allow direct network connectivity. These network connections are not meshed.

The following is a snippet for an initContainer configured to allow unmeshed networking while using the CNI plugin:

- name: example
  image: example
    runAsUser: 2102 # Allows skipping iptables rules

Upgrading the CNI plugin

Since the CNI plugin is basically stateless, there is no need for a separate upgrade command. If you are using the CLI to upgrade the CNI plugin you can just do:

linkerd install-cni | kubectl apply --prune -l -f -