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Using a Custom Cluster Domain

For Kubernetes clusters that use custom cluster domain, Linkerd must be installed using the --cluster-domain option:

# first, install the Linkerd CRDs: linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f - # next, install the Linkerd control plane, using the custom cluster domain: linkerd install --cluster-domain=example.org \ --identity-trust-domain=example.org \ | kubectl apply -f - # The Linkerd Viz extension also requires a similar setting: linkerd viz install --set clusterDomain=example.org | kubectl apply -f - # And so does the Multicluster extension: linkerd multicluster install --set identityTrustDomain=example.org | kubectl apply -f -

This ensures that all Linkerd handles all service discovery, routing, service profiles and traffic split resources using the example.org domain.


Note that the identity trust domain must match the cluster domain for mTLS to work.


Changing the cluster domain while upgrading Linkerd isn’t supported.