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An HTTPRoute is a Kubernetes resource which attaches to a “parent” resource, such as a Service, and defines a set of rules which match HTTP requests to that resource. These rules can be based on parameters such as path, method, headers, or other aspects of the HTTP request.

HTTPRoutes are used to configure various aspects of Linkerd’s behavior, and form part of Linkerd’s support for the Gateway API.


The HTTPRoute resource is part of the Gateway API and is not Linkerd-specific. The canonical reference doc is the Gateway API HTTPRoute documentation. This page is intended as a supplement to that doc, and will detail how this type is used by Linkerd specifically.

Inbound vs outbound HTTPRoutes

HTTPRoutes usage in Linkerd falls into two categories: configuration of inbound behavior and configuration of outbound behavior.

Inbound behavior. HTTPRoutes with a Server as their parent resource configure policy for inbound traffic to pods which receive traffic to that Server. Inbound HTTPRoutes are used to configure fine-grained [per-route authorization and authentication policies][auth-policy].

Outbound behavior. HTTPRoutes with a Service as their parent resource configure policies for outbound proxies in pods which are clients of that Service. Outbound policy includes [dynamic request routing][dyn-routing], adding request headers, modifying a request’s path, and reliability features such as [timeouts].


Outbound HTTPRoutes and ServiceProfiles provide overlapping configuration. For backwards-compatibility reasons, a ServiceProfile will take precedence over HTTPRoutes which configure the same Service. If a ServiceProfile is defined for the parent Service of an HTTPRoute, proxies will use the ServiceProfile configuration, rather than the HTTPRoute configuration, as long as the ServiceProfile exists.

Usage in practice

See important notes in the Gateway API documentation about using these types in practice, including ownership of types and compatible versions.

The policy.linkerd.io group

In earlier Linkerd versions, Linkerd provided a variant of the HTTPRoute resource in the policy.linkerd.io group. These versions are still supported but are not actively maintained; users are encouraged to switch to the canonical gateway.networking.kubernetes.io resources.

HTTPRoute Spec

An HTTPRoute spec may contain the following top level fields:

parentRefsA set of ParentReferences which indicate which [Server]s or Services this HTTPRoute attaches to.
hostnamesA set of hostnames that should match against the HTTP Host header.
rulesAn array of HTTPRouteRules.


A reference to the parent resource this HTTPRoute is a part of.

HTTPRoutes can be attached to a Server to allow defining an authorization policy for specific routes served on that Server.

HTTPRoutes can also be attached to a Service, in order to route requests depending on path, headers, query params, and/or verb. Requests can then be rerouted to different backend services. This can be used to perform dynamic request routing.

ParentReferences are namespaced, and may reference either a parent in the same namespace as the HTTPRoute, or one in a different namespace. As described in GEP-1426, a HTTPRoute with a parentRef that references a Service in the same namespace as the HTTPRoute is referred to as a producer route, while an HTTPRoute with a parentRef referencing a Service in a different namespace is referred to as a consumer route. A producer route will apply to requests originating from clients in any namespace. On the other hand, a consumer route is scoped to apply only to traffic originating in the HTTPRoute’s namespace. See the “Namespace boundaries” section in GEP-1426 for details on producer and consumer routes.

groupThe group of the referent. This must either be “policy.linkerd.io” (for Server) or “core” (for Service).
kindThe kind of the referent. This must be either “Server” or “Service”.
portThe targeted port number, when attaching to Services.
namespaceThe namespace of the referent. When unspecified (or empty string), this refers to the local namespace of the Route.
nameThe name of the referent.


HTTPRouteRule defines semantics for matching an HTTP request based on conditions (matches) and processing it (filters).

matchesA list of httpRouteMatches. Each match is independent, i.e. this rule will be matched if any one of the matches is satisfied.
filtersA list of httpRouteFilters which will be applied to each request which matches this rule.
backendRefsAn array of HTTPBackendRefs to declare where the traffic should be routed to (only allowed with Service parentRefs).
timeoutsAn optional httpRouteTimeouts object which configures timeouts for requests matching this rule.


HTTPRouteMatch defines the predicate used to match requests to a given action. Multiple match types are ANDed together, i.e. the match will evaluate to true only if all conditions are satisfied.

pathAn httpPathMatch. If this field is not specified, a default prefix match on the “/” path is provided.
headersA list of httpHeaderMatches. Multiple match values are ANDed together.
queryParamsA list of httpQueryParamMatches. Multiple match values are ANDed together.
methodWhen specified, this route will be matched only if the request has the specified method.


HTTPPathMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching the HTTP request path.

typeHow to match against the path Value. One of: Exact, PathPrefix, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “PathPrefix” is provided.
valueThe HTTP path to match against.


HTTPHeaderMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP request headers.

typeHow to match against the value of the header. One of: Exact, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “Exact” is provided.
nameThe HTTP Header to be matched against. Name matching MUST be case insensitive.
valueValue of HTTP Header to be matched.


HTTPQueryParamMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP query parameters.

typeHow to match against the value of the query parameter. One of: Exact, RegularExpression. If this field is not specified, a default of “Exact” is provided.
nameThe HTTP query param to be matched. This must be an exact string match.
valueValue of HTTP query param to be matched.


HTTPRouteFilter defines processing steps that must be completed during the request or response lifecycle.

typeOne of: RequestHeaderModifier, ResponseHeaderModifier, or RequestRedirect.
requestHeaderModifierAn httpHeaderFilter which modifies request headers.
responseHeaderModifierAn httpHeaderFilter which modifies response headers.
requestRedirectAn httpRequestRedirectFilter.


A filter which modifies HTTP request or response headers.

setA list of httpHeaders to overwrite on the request or response.
addA list of httpHeaders to add on to the request or response, appending to any existing value.
removeA list of header names to remove from the request or response.


HTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.

nameName of the HTTP Header to be matched. Name matching MUST be case insensitive.
valueValue of HTTP Header to be matched.


HTTPRequestRedirect defines a filter that redirects a request.

schemeThe scheme to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, the scheme of the request is used.
hostnameThe hostname to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, the hostname of the request is used.
pathAn httpPathModfier which modifies the path of the incoming request and uses the modified path in the Location header.
portThe port to be used in the value of the Location header in the response. When empty, port (if specified) of the request is used.
statusCodeThe HTTP status code to be used in response.


HTTPPathModifier defines configuration for path modifiers.

typeOne of: ReplaceFullPath, ReplacePrefixMatch.
replaceFullPathThe value with which to replace the full path of a request during a rewrite or redirect.
replacePrefixMatchThe value with which to replace the prefix match of a request during a rewrite or redirect.


HTTPBackendRef defines the list of objects where matching requests should be sent to. Only allowed when a route has Service parentRefs.

nameName of service for this backend.
portDestination port number for this backend.
namespaceNamespace of service for this backend.
weightProportion of requests sent to this backend.


HTTPRouteTimeouts defines the timeouts that can be configured for an HTTP request.

Linkerd implements HTTPRoute timeouts as described in GEP-1742. Timeout durations are specified as strings using the Gateway API duration format specified by GEP-2257 (e.g. 1h/1m/1s/1ms), and MUST be at least 1ms. A timeout field with duration 0 disables that timeout.

requestSpecifies the duration for processing an HTTP client request after which the proxy will time out if unable to send a response. When this field is unspecified or 0, the proxy will not enforce request timeouts.
backendRequestSpecifies a timeout for an individual request from the proxy to a backend service. This covers the time from when the request first starts being sent from the proxy to when the response has been received from the backend. When this field is unspecified or 0, the proxy will not enforce a backend request timeout, but may still enforce the request timeout, if one is configured.

If retries are enabled, a request received by the proxy may be retried by sending it to a different backend. In this case, a new backendRequest timeout will be started for each retry request, but each retry request will count against the overall request timeout.

HTTPRoute Examples

An HTTPRoute attached to a Server resource which matches GETs to /authors.json or /authors/*:

apiVersion: policy.linkerd.io/v1beta2 kind: HTTPRoute metadata: name: authors-get-route namespace: booksapp spec: parentRefs: - name: authors-server kind: Server group: policy.linkerd.io rules: - matches: - path: value: "/authors.json" method: GET - path: value: "/authors/" type: "PathPrefix" method: GET

An HTTPRoute attached to a Service to perform header-based routing. If there’s a x-faces-user: testuser header in the request, the request is routed to the smiley2 backend Service. Otherwise, the request is routed to the smiley backend Service.

apiVersion: policy.linkerd.io/v1beta2 kind: HTTPRoute metadata: name: smiley-a-b namespace: faces spec: parentRefs: - name: smiley kind: Service group: core port: 80 rules: - matches: - headers: - name: "x-faces-user" value: "testuser" backendRefs: - name: smiley2 port: 80 - backendRefs: - name: smiley port: 80