Linkerd 2024 Security Audit


Today we’re happy to report that Linkerd has successfully completed its 2024 security audit. This audit, initiated at the tail end of last year and concluded early this year, was performed by 7ASecurity, managed by the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, and funded by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. As part of Linkerd’s commitment to openness, transparency, and security by design, we’ve published the unredacted report in the Linkerd GitHub page.

This was the third such public audit that Linkerd has undergone, and included both pen testing and whitebox testing. We were happy to collaborate with the 7ASecurity team and OSTIF in the performance of this audit, and particularly happy with this excerpt from the report:

The Linkerd team was incredibly responsive and helpful during the engagement and quick to resolve the reported issues, with multiple fixes already deployed. The audit report makes note of the fact that the Linkerd project reflects hard work and dedication to security, both in the code and in their practices. The security recommendations for further work are very specific, meaning that a lot of basic and even intermediate security steps have already been satisfactorily undertaken by the team. This audit reflects well on the Graduated status of this project through the CNCF Graduation Program.

As we said in our 2022 audit blog post, no software is perfect, even Linkerd, and every architectural decision necessarily involves tradeoffs. The point of a security audit is not to produce a report card but to find the weak points and provide opportunities to address them before they become user-facing vulnerabilities.

As usual, the audit flagged an assortment of issues of varying severity, and we worked closely with the 7ASecurity team to either address them or classify them as low user risk. For example, the most severe finding identified an unused development-time script used to generate protobuf bindings, which in some cases would output instructions to the developer to download a resource from a plaintext HTTP URL. This script was not part of the modern development process and we removed it from the repo. You can read the complete OSTIF blog post for more.

Regular third-party audits are just one part of Linkerd’s comprehensive focus on world-class security, which includes code review for all changes, a formal security policy, a vast series of automated checks (including static analysis, dependency analysis, and fuzz testing) and much more. Linkerd is trusted by users around the world not just to be secure but to increase the security of their systems. We hold that trust sacred, and strive our best to live up to it with every line of code.

Linkerd is for everyone

Linkerd is a graduated project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Linkerd is committed to open governance. If you have feature requests, questions, or comments, we’d love to have you join our rapidly-growing community! Linkerd is hosted on GitHub, and we have a thriving community on Slack, Twitter, and in mailing lists. Come and join the fun!

(Photo by Caspar Rae on Unsplash.)

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