Feb 21, 2024: Announcing Linkerd 2.15 with support for VM workloads, native sidecars, and SPIFFE! Read more »

Mesh expansion and SPIFFE support arriving in the upcoming Linkerd 2.15

William Morgan

William Morgan
November 7, 2023 • 6 min read

A fast-moving clock

In the upcoming 2.15 release, I’m happy to report that we’ll be shipping both mesh expansion and support for SPIFFE and SPIRE. We’ve heard from many Linkerd adopters over the past 6 months who’ve let us know that these features are a priority for them, and we’ve been working hard to deliver them with all the simplicity and security that you’ve come to expect from Linkerd.

This work on Linkerd is jointly sponsored by Buoyant (creators of Linkerd) and by SUSE, who have recently announced a partnership on this topic.

In this blog post I want to describe what these features are, why we’re adding them to Linkerd, and how we tackled some of the design decisions behind the scenes.

What is mesh expansion?

Mesh expansion is the ability to run Linkerd’s dataplane outside of the Kubernetes cluster, allowing you to bring non-K8s workloads, including legacy applications running on VMs, into the mesh. Once in the mesh, all communication to and from these non-Kubernetes applications get the same security, reliability, and observability features that Linkerd provides for on-cluster resources, including encryption, authentication, authorization using true workload identity (not IP address!), retries, timeouts, latency-aware load balancing, failover, and more.

In short: mesh expansion means Linkerd will support non-Kubernetes workloads, a major step forward for the project. And a major challenge for the project as well.

Happily, Linkerd has one big advantage in tackling mesh expansion, stemming from an early design decision. In Linkerd, the “dataplane” refers to Linkerd’s Rust microproxies, which handle the actual sensitive information traveling between application components. These microproxies are actually not Kubernetes-specific at all. They are specific to Linkerd, i.e. they’re not general-purpose proxies, but they don’t know anything about Kubernetes; they don’t talk to the Kubernetes API; and they don’t have any requirements about being run on a Kubernetes cluster or even in a container. Linkerd’s microproxies are delivered as static binaries which can be compiled for a variety of architectures and platforms, meaning that they can run on almost any machine in the world (including ARM64, which Linkerd has supported for years.)

(This microproxy approach is also what makes Linkerd unique in the service mesh space, and allows it to deliver all the security and operational benefits of a sidecar approach without the drawbacks found in other service mesh projects. I’ve written a lot about this in my writeup on eBPF vs sidecars.)

So for Linkerd, at least, running the proxies outside of Kubernetes is easy. But that is just one small part of a much larger set of requirements for mesh expansion.

What does mesh expansion require?

The biggest challenge for mesh expansion is that, as you might expect, Kubernetes is no longer available to provide the infrastructure we can build on! In our design process for mesh expansion, we uncovered four key areas to this problem:

  • Identity. Linkerd needs to provide a secure workload identity for everything in the mesh. Linkerd’s security model follows the mantra of “don’t trust the network” and this means that, unlike the NetworkPolicy approach found in CNIs, it cannot rely on IP addresses as a form of identity. (I’ve written about this in my guide to zero trust network security for Kubernetes.) In Kubernetes, we can use ServiceAccounts as core identity, but outside of Kubernetes we need another solution.
  • Network connectivity. Inside a Kubernetes cluster, Linkerd can assume we have direct connectivity between any proxy and Linkerd’s control plane. Outside of Kubernetes, we need some guaranteed way to establish a connection from the proxy to the control plane.
  • Runtime. In Kubernetes we can make use of tools like mutating admission controllers to automatically inject the sidecar microproxy into workloads that need to be meshed, and on init containers (and soon, sidecar containers—see my writeup on Kubernetes’s new sidecar container feature and what it enables) to handle L4 networking setup so that all traffic to the pod is transparently routed through the data plane. Outside of Kubernetes, we need some equivalent to this functionality.
  • Service discovery. Inside Kubernetes, we can rely on the built-in DNS system to give us information about any service that an application wants to connect to. And when the endpoints for a service change, Kubernetes gives us ways of keeping up to date with new endpoints and removing old, stale, and unhealthy endpoints. Outside of Kubernetes, we’re on our own.

Each of these is a distinct and non-trivial challenge, and for Linkerd to have mesh expansion, each needs to be solved.

For the purposes of this blog post, the most interesting of these challenges to discuss is the first one: identity. This is because the solution that Linkerd is embracing involves another CNCF project called SPIFFE.

What are SPIFFE and SPIRE?

SPIFFE is a standard for machine identity, and SPIRE is an implementation of that standard. What that means is that, if you have an arbitrary workload on an arbitrary machine, SPIFFE gives you a format for communicating an identity for that workload that can be used for security-critical activities such as authentication and authorization. And if you want to start providing SPIFFE-compatible certificates in a secure way, SPIRE is a piece of software that will produce these ids for arbitrary workloads.

The astute reader will notice that this is exactly the identity-related challenge that Linkerd faces when extending the mesh to non-Kubernetes workloads. And in fact, SPIFFE is based on X.509 certificates—the exact same type of credentials used by TLS, including by Linkerd’s on-by-default mutual TLS which forms the basis of many of its security guarantees.

So it’s a great fit: Linkerd needs a non-Kubernetes-specific mechanism for determining workload identities, and SPIRE provides exactly that, using a format that can be plugged right into Linkerd’s existing mTLS infrastructure.

So what does this mean for me?

In short, if you are a Kubernetes adopter with “legacy” (read: non-Kubernetes) workloads that run on Linux-based systems, whether VM or bare metal, Linkerd 2.15 will allow you to communicate between those systems and your Kubernetes applications in a way that’s secure, reliable, and observable, all without requiring changes to your applications.

This means you can extend Linkerd’s new model of networking—where every connection is encrypted and authenticated, and every HTTP and gRPC request delivered in a reliable and latency-optimized way—to your entire stack, not just the portion that runs on Kubernetes.

When will these amazing features be available in Linkerd?

We’re already in late-stage prototype and design, and are currently estimating Linkerd 2.15 will arrive with these features early next year.

If you’re at Kubecon NA in Chicago this week, please swing by and meet several Linkerd maintainers who are in attendance at the Linkerd project pavilion as well as the Buoyant and SUSE expo hall booths. We’d love to dig into your requirements for mesh expansion and more, and even just to say hi.

Linkerd is for everyone

Linkerd is a graduated project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Linkerd is committed to open governance. If you have feature requests, questions, or comments, we’d love to have you join our rapidly-growing community! Linkerd is hosted on GitHub, and we have a thriving community on Slack, Twitter, and the mailing lists. Come and join the fun!

(Photo by Serena Repice Lentini on Unsplash.)

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