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Linkerd can be configured to automatically retry requests when it receives a failed response instead of immediately returning that failure to the client. This is valuable tool for improving success rate in the face of transient failures.

Retries are a client-side behavior, and are therefore performed by the outbound side of the Linkerd proxy.1 If retries are configured on an HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute with multiple backends, each retry of a request can potentially get sent to a different backend. If a request has a body larger than 64KiB then it will not be retried.

Configuring Retries

Retries are configured by a set of annotations which can be set on a Kubernetes Service resource or on a HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute which has a Service as a parent. Client proxies will then retry failed requests to that Service or route. If any retry configuration annotations are present on a route resource, they override all retry configuration annotations on the parent Service.

  • retry.linkerd.io/http: A comma separated list of HTTP response codes which should be retried. Each element of the list may be
    • xxx to retry a single response code (for example, "504" – remember, annotation values must be strings!);
    • xxx-yyy to retry a range of response codes (for example, 500-504);
    • gateway-error to retry response codes 502-504; or
    • 5xx to retry all 5XX response codes. This annotation is not valid on GRPCRoute resources.
  • retry.linkerd.io/grpc: A comma seperated list of gRPC status codes which should be retried. Each element of the list may be
    • cancelled
    • deadline-exceeded
    • internal
    • resource-exhausted
    • unavailable This annotation is not valid on HTTPRoute resources.
  • retry.linkerd.io/limit: The maximum number of times a request can be retried. If unspecified, the default is 1.
  • retry.linkerd.io/timeout: A retry timeout after which a request is cancelled and retried (if the retry limit has not yet been reached). If unspecified, no retry timeout is applied. Units must be specified in this value e.g. 5s or 200ms.


kind: HTTPRoute
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
  name: schlep-default
  namespace: schlep
    retry.linkerd.io/http: 5xx
    retry.linkerd.io/limit: "2"
    retry.linkerd.io/timeout: 300ms
    - name: schlep
      kind: Service
      group: core
      port: 80
    - matches:
        - path:
            type: PathPrefix
            value: "/"
kind: GRPCRoute
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2
  name: schlep-default
  namespace: schlep
    retry.linkerd.io/grpc: internal
    retry.linkerd.io/limit: "2"
    retry.linkerd.io/timeout: 400ms
    - name: schlep
      kind: Service
      group: core
      port: 8080
    - matches:
        - method:
            type: Exact
            service: schlep.Schlep
            method: Get

  1. The part of the proxy which handles connections from within the pod to the rest of the cluster. ↩︎