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To configure routing behavior and policy for HTTP traffic, Linkerd supports the HTTPRoute resource, defined by the Kubernetes Gateway API.

If the Gateway API CRDs already exist in your cluster, then Linkerd must be installed with the --set enableHttpRoutes=false flag during the linkerd install --crds step or with the enableHttpRoutes=false Helm value when installing the linkerd-crds Helm chart. This avoid conflicts by instructing Linkerd to not install the Gateway API CRDs and instead rely on the Gateway CRDs which already exist.

An HTTPRoute is a Kubernetes resource which attaches to a parent resource, such as a Service. The HTTPRoute defines a set of rules which match HTTP requests to that resource, based on parameters such as the request’s path, method, and headers, and can configure how requests matching that rule are routed by the Linkerd service mesh.

Inbound and Outbound HTTPRoutes

Two types of HTTPRoute are used for configuring the behavior of Linkerd’s proxies:

Learn More

To get started with HTTPRoutes, you can: